Sentence Tracking Book 3
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Sentence Tracking Book 3 provides tracking exercises using words identified as commonly used words. The words used to make the sentences are embedded in other commonly used words or words with a similar visual appearance. The activities will help to develop Left ~ Right orientation and scanning skills, improve word recognition, and increase reading speed and is suitable for middle and upper levels in primary school.
Sentence Tracking Book 3 addresses words which have been identified as being commonly used.
Tracking exercises have many benefits for the developing reader who is starting to develop a slight vocabulary and early word attack strategies. The exercises in this book will help to:
The exercises within this book place words amongst similar words to improve visual discrimination and to expose the pupil to a wide range of commonly used words. The use of sentences in these exercises reinforce the awareness of basic sentence structure. The word-searches provide practice in finding words surrounded by random letter groups.
It is helpful to ensure that, when the pupil is copying the sentence, capital letters are always used at the beginning of a sentence and that full stops or question marks are used at the end. Commas and speech marks are inserted for the pupil where appropriate.
Tracking procedures
Where Left-Right movement is still in developmental stages it may be helpful to encourage the pupil to circle the target words.
Pupils often find the use of a highlighter to highlight each word with a simple line more fun because of the novelty aspect.
Where Left-Right movement is well established it is usual for the pupil to circle each word individually.
Sentence Tracking Book 3 addresses words which have been identified as being commonly used.
Tracking exercises have many benefits for the developing reader who is starting to develop a slight vocabulary and early word attack strategies. The exercises in this book will help to:
- Consolidate Left – Right eye tracking and orientation.
- Improve visual discrimination
- Improve visual short term memory.
- Increase the speed of word recognition.
- Increase the awareness of sentence structure.
- Start to develop scanning and skimming skills.
The exercises within this book place words amongst similar words to improve visual discrimination and to expose the pupil to a wide range of commonly used words. The use of sentences in these exercises reinforce the awareness of basic sentence structure. The word-searches provide practice in finding words surrounded by random letter groups.
It is helpful to ensure that, when the pupil is copying the sentence, capital letters are always used at the beginning of a sentence and that full stops or question marks are used at the end. Commas and speech marks are inserted for the pupil where appropriate.
Tracking procedures
Where Left-Right movement is still in developmental stages it may be helpful to encourage the pupil to circle the target words.
Pupils often find the use of a highlighter to highlight each word with a simple line more fun because of the novelty aspect.
Where Left-Right movement is well established it is usual for the pupil to circle each word individually.